Sunday 21 October 2012

VIBE Music Magazine Front Cover Analysis

The cover's target audience is clear through the model; this being a current rapper/singer famous with the younger generation of people. Therefore the target audience could be seen as being teenagers between the age of 16-20. The medium shot of Nicki Minaj is a dominant one. Her positioning is seen as a very powerful one this could also link with her outfit and the fact that she is wearing a crown. The model credit in the left third of the magazine shows the reader the name of the model and a story line underneath this. Using the words 'Notorious K.I.N.G.' there is immediately a link to royalty which is what Nicki is representing in this image by wearing a crown. If the potential buyers are familiar with the current music on the pop genre then they will know the connection between the cover line and the model. This being a representation of another female rapper; Lil Kim, that Nicki Minaj is trying to make a 'dig' at in a way. This rivalry is a big story which is why Nicki is most probably front page to intrigue people to buy the magazine to see her side of the situation rather than Lil Kim's. Nicki Minaj is a very famous star worldwide and is known for her choice in brightly coloured wigs. Vibe has took this advantage and used it to create a quirky consistency in colour throughout the magazine. Nicki's hair in this image is orange,  Vibe have created a clear connection between hair colour, title and the main stories of that particular month. This is a great way to catch the audiences attention. 
The masthead of the magazine is behind the models head, this is also a representation of power and strength but also a common convention of VIBE magazine. This being in a bold yet simple text stands out to the audience more. 
Having the barcode and splash on the left third is good for when the magazines are stacked on a shelf. These are the things aswell as the cover lines that will be seen and attract the public to buy the magazine. Another common convention of VIBE are the splash's they use such as a + instead of writing plus like other magazines do. This using the colour scheme makes the magazine more eye catching and fun. The colour orange with connection to the image of Nicki Minaj connotes the emotion in the story and the model. Orange that connotes being fiesty, ferocious, and warmth all indicate the expression on the models face. using the models eyeline position to be looking directly at the reader creates that fiesty connection that draws the public in. The font in the cover has continuity throughout apart from the one story line of the model. This is again relating to the model as it's the same font Nicki Minaj uses as her album cover font and cover exclusives. 

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