Thursday 11 October 2012

College Magazine Cover Images

A fellow student and friend studying at Wyke College kindly let me take my front cover images of her. As you can see within the image Emily has been positioned in several ways yet all featuring a medium close up.
      I chose three locations within the campus to try out these images; the stairs in OAK Building to try connote that you will be on top of your game and achieve high if you study at Wyke. Another location is next to the lockers at Wyke due to showing the audience of the magazine that there are advantages of studying at Wyke, lockers being one of them. Not only that but because lockers are usually situated in a studying/working environment, this connoting to the readers that Wyke is fun but 100% study aswell. The last location I placed Emily in is outside all buildings. I personally think this is a good image because it shows the class, the beauty and the tranquility of Wyke. For example if you were in a primary or secondary school there could be many young children around but within Wyke this image shows it is a very peaceful, independent learning.

      Emily is smiling in all images because within my images I wanted to connote the fact that students are happy learning in Wyke, it is a cheerful place and people will be confident working there. I am very passionate about connoting this because I enjoy the college therefore I want my readers to enjoy the college.

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