Thursday 4 October 2012

Analysis of the Brief - LIIAR

The front cover of my magazine must have a masthead this will ahve to stand out to the target audience in several ways such as the background, font and colour. The main image I am going to take will fill the page and must be a medium close up of my model. This includes the head and shoulders of the subject. The subject in this image must relate to the main feature in the magazine they also need to be making clear eye contact with the audience of the magazine. The colour scheme and house-style I choose for the front cover will be consistent throughout the magazine. I am going to use up to three colours for this consistent style. I must be promoting other magazine artices or features within this cover page therefore I will make these thumbnail images. The magazine, if being sold needs to clearly have a price and barcode on the front of it. If there is a free gift or the chance to win a competition, then this should also be displayed because this could appeal to the audience and make the magazine stand out from others. Aswell as competitions along the bottom of the magazine I will using tease contents to intice the audience into reading the magazine.

I am producing the magazine for Wyke College.This magazine should show that the college is a happy place to be, this can be shown by the facial expression on my model, aswell as having the college in the background. My personal target audience for the magazine will be 16-20 year olds. Hopefully this will cover all the students age groups and the target audience will be eager to read the magazine. I am going to present the student/s in the images of the magazine in a positive way and that Wyke College is generally a friendly place to study. I want to show to my target audience that Wyke is a fun place to study but still have it's seriousness of working hard in the proccess. Work hard, play hard.

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