Friday 5 October 2012

Analysis of College Magazine Cover 2

Honor Student Magazine Apr/May 2011
The mast head is featured in the top third of the magazine. The mast head being red is a strong connection to the reader and suggests the passion and love that the students have for their college. This consists of a title in a 'Frank Ruehl' or 'Georgia' type style. This title 'HONOU STUDENT' effectively is split into two seperate words and filled differently. The first half being less bold yet having thin white lines to give it more of a porfessional look and a fully filled white font. This is eyecatching to the audience because it's not a typical convention of magazines in general yet it draws the reader into the creative style the magzine portrays. Within the mast head, underneath the title the magazine have created a thin white strip on the red background to insert the date line and connections such as the college website and motto, also key conventions of magazine layouts. The main image placed on the cover is of a young female in her teens, this is a main feature due to the fact that the student is presenting the target audience clearly. By the look of the girl in the image the target audience would be 16/17 to 20 years, a teenage college magazine. Withing the image of the teenage girl she has a notepad on her lap and is holding a pen. This connotes that the girl is happy and shows the students at the college as studous and happy people which is a very positive thing. The strong eye contact with the model and the audience is an attempt to connect with the audience and intice them into buying the product. The background behind the student is blurred which allows the audience to focus on the text and images which makes them more prominent. The choice of colour is very wide, with six different colours I find the variety too much to concentrate on. There seems to be at least four different fonts on the cover page also which to my knowledge most probably wont be consistent through to the contents page as there is too many to continue. Never the less this could be an appeal to gain the reader creative, attentive imagination. This then could connote all the different types of people and personalities within one college. Aswell as this it could be like a signal to all the people who get attracted to a certain colour. The writing on each point is in a different colour every time to differentiate it from the title helping it dominate. The title also connotes to the reader that if they study at that one particular college they will be an 'HONOR STUDENT' themselves and this may appeal to many teenagers with high expectations.

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