Friday 12 October 2012

College Magazine Cover and Contents Page Mock up 2 and Analysis

This is my mock up drawing of my college magazine front cover and contents page. I have laid the front cover page out like so because it has a clear indication of the type of student Wyke has. My final images will show the model smiling therefore the students are happy at the college. The name in big bold text says 'Wyke Wonders' this drawing the reader into 'wonder'ing what is inside the magazine. I chose this alliteration as it connotes what the reader is thinking about and intrigues the audience into reading the magazine. The fact the date and issue number is underneath this shows that it's still visible to the reader and clear that it isn't a free issue. I placed this at the top so that if magazines are staked this would still be shown. I have put the top story title in bold and bigger font than the rest as a type of teasing content to draw the audience in. I am intending to place a competition on the front page, this could potentially bring readers in and give the audience something to participate in. I am going to produce the sell lines in a larger bolder font to intrigue the target audience to open the magazine, read further and hopefully buy the magazine. The bar code on the front of the magazine is a clear indication that the magazine isn't free therefore they will be drawn to the price, date and issue at the top of the page. I am going to place the model in  the middle and right thirds of the page in order to place my texts on the first third of the front cover. The colour scheme has not being chosen yet however I will co-ordinate this with the image.
          Within my designed contents page I have produced a top corner text box for the date and title of 'Content' in order to remind the audience when the issue was made and exactly what they are looking at. 'Where's Your Ambition?' is the tagline I created for the magazine. This links with the magazine name because the reader will be 'wonder'ing about this. Aswell as that link it will make the audience think about their ambitions of college, of a career, of the future. This is also a catchy convention that many magazines have. I have placed two small images at the top of the page to keep the audience engaged in the content of the magazine. In the center/right third of the page I have positioned a large image this for the main cover story, and main story featured on the contents page, this not only keeps continuity but keeps the students/readers with the latest up to date news. Like the front cover I have placed the story titles in bolder, larger fonts than the information about the titles. Aswell as that I have placed what is a common convention of magazine contents page's into my own, doing this by putting the page numbers next to the title and images to clearly mark where in the magazine the reader will find this information. To make my page a little different to others I have inserted a small text box in the bottom left third of the contents page to place a note from the editor, being myself and to add a small image of me to connote a connection between the reader and the editor. This makes the reader feel it's more personal towards them. Consequently I am going to add in many features and common conventions of college magazines however try make them individual and quirky to bring my target audience of 16-20 year olds into buying the magazine.

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