Thursday 4 October 2012

Magazine Cover Terminology

Masthead title piece   The magazine's title. Usually displayed in the top left corner.

Price                          Magazine cost.

Date                         Weekly:usually from Saturday to Friday. Monthly: a month ahead.

Issue Number            A tally of magazines.

Barcode                    Read electronically and decoded into usable information.

Teaser                       One word/phrase acts as an attention grabber.

Headline  A phrase that may summarise the main point on the main feature. In large print, different style, bold colours in order to catch the attention of the reader.

Subtitle                      Smaller headline that may summarise the feature. 

Smaller Feature         Features included in the magazine.

Images Size               CU to med CU. Ranges from the main image to x amount featuring one main image and smaller images. Helps make the page look more interesting. It can add understanding of a story and/or entice someone to read the magazine.

Font                        Style and size of a type face.

Colour                     Specific/stylistic/thematic types.

Graphics                  Graphical shapes to highlight feature(s)

Offers/adverts blurb Banner     Style shape featuring free products/promotions.  

Sell Lines              Small text that sells the title.

Left Third              The left side of the magazine that holds  headlines.

Splash                    Graphics that resemble words.

Credit                   Credit given to the people that have worked on the magazine ( such as the photographer )

Kicker                  This Leads you in to the teller by using catchy words.

Teller                     A short box of information about the subject.

Skyline                  Headline above master headline.

Flash                     Graphics that resemble words.

Graphology           The art of using graphics.

Anchorage             Putting captions on photos to explain the image.

Colour Scheme       Colours presented in the magazine.

Vocabulary             Information relevant to the magazine.

Screamers              Using things such as '!' to create emphasis.

Images                    Photos taken that are inserted into the magazine.

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