Friday 5 October 2012

Analysis of College Magazine Cover 1

College Max Edition 2009
The main image fills the front page and also represents the college and students that go there. The model within the image is a young female, presenting the idea that the target audience is within the range 16-20 years. The subject highlighted in the image is looking happy which connotes enthusiasm of progression into further education. The clear eye contactThe mid shot of the model contradicts the task of the particular brief given to me, this is because within my brief I am asked to produce a medium close up of the subject. The mid shot of the model shows us the costume and position of the model; the relaxed position connotes the fact she is in a relaxed enviroment. College is hard work however it is somewhere to relax and enjoy yourself aswell. The costume of the model is fairly bright; a red tshirt with white features and blue denim shorts, this could of been purposely planned so that that model draws the audiences attention straight to her. The text uses anchorage by featuring a college student to make it relevant to the purpose of the magazine and its target audience. The use of conventional features is clear as the magazine use a large bold font for the title and smaller bold font for the cover lines of the article.  The magazine have indened to use a bold title saying 'College' however written in red writing to connect with the model keeping the consistency throughout the magazine. The colour red within this cover is suggesting not only the love of the college but that the model is passionate about the college she attends. Red in itself is a passionate colour. This could be attempting to persuade the audience of teenagers to be passionate about college aswell, their college. The complimentary colours of green and blue are also interpreted into the cover. With the out of focus background of the model placed in what looks to be a park or forest area the green really shows however in my personal opinion the text is made less prominant due to the background colours. With the subtitles being placed in blue, it makes it easier for the magazine to grab the readers attention of the storylines. The same font is used on the front cover line for each element and the colours red and white are not associated with either females or males, this helps include the range of the target audience even though the model is a female. This could be different if the model was wearing a pink top for example. The price and barcode on the bottom right hand corner of the magazine shows it does have a fee however it stands out to the audience to initiate this to the target audience. The dateline under the title shows the audience it is an up to date issue never the less I think for my magazine I shall make this bigger to try catch the readers eye more effectively.

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