Friday 12 October 2012

College Magazine Contents Page Photoshop CS5 Mock Up 1

Within this contents page mock up I have placed the main title right at the top so the readers eyes are first drawn to this. The date and issue number have been re introduced here to keep continuity throughout the magazine. Within the real magazine cover and contents I will also keep the font and size the same to continue continuity between these. I have also introduced another convention from music and college magazines that is the page numbers being placed in a small box within the titles and images to signify which page the information is on. This is great for giving the reader clear instructions on where things are. I have placed images within this contents page to give you an indication of the size I am going to use in my final magazine contents page. I have used the top right of the page as the smaller stories area of the page and the bottom left being for the top/big stories inside the magazine. For the boxes in the bottom right corner I am going to publish an advertisement to intrigue the reader into buying a years subscription of the magazine as well as possibly a competition for the audience to participate in. This could also potentially bring more readers in.

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