Monday 22 October 2012

Music Magazine Double Page Spread Analysis

This double page spread featured in VIBE has an article on singer songwriters Rihanna and Drake. The pair teamed up to produce a new single 'What's my name' this is clearly defined byt the title in bold black writing with a yellow backing on the left hand page.  The first thing you see in the route of the eye is the title of the article. I feel they have made this the first thing you see is because it is the most important piece of text on the page. They have used the colour yellow because yellow is also a bright colour that will grab there attention, yellow also means happy. The text that’s says ‘Rihanna ft Drake’ is in blue. Rihanna is all in capitals and Drakes isn’t I feel they have done this because Rihanna is the main person as the article is about her but you know it will probably mention Drake, I feel they have but the text in blue because it is more of a male colour then yellow so it is trying to attract the males.Without much knowledge of the new song or genre the title wont make much sense, therefore this intigues the target audience to read further into the story within the article to find out more. The fact the magazine have used two major, favourited RnB icons for the double page spread indicate that they will put out to be the best. With Vibe using not only Rihanna but Drake aswell in this article is good for attracting female and male audiences, not just one specific sex. Another title becomes noticable within the yellow background; ‘Hair today gone tomorrow’. They have again placed this in bold black font against the yellow as it's a powerful combination and instantly the eye is drawn to this. Rihanna is a massive fashion icon and females will look up to her and would want her hairstyles therefore this is why I think they have wrote this in the style they have. To attract more of an audience they have put 4 different hairstyles that Rihanna has had in the past year. They may have done this for two reasons. The first; because they want to show how much she has changed and two, to show how she can pull them all off successfully, therefore the public will want one of these hairstyles that will suit them best. The audiences eye's are also drawn down to the primary optical area and the whole of this is just Rihanna’s face. This picture is conventional as she is making eye contact with the audience, I feel this is because the audience then feel mote connected with celebrity, and it makes the photo looks more effective. With Rihanna not long before writing the issue dyed her hair red she is now very noticable. Vibe use colours such as yellow and blue to compliment and contrast this red through the double page spread. I feel this is why they have made the image alot bigger so her hair catches the audience attention. The route of the eye then goes down to the terminal area. The first thing you see is a little yellow box that has a sub title saying ‘along similar lines’ this is conventional as it is short and catchy as then people will want to read this because they will want to know what this means, having only a short paragraph in the box the audience will feel it is probably worth reading. This also connects to the title as they have the same background. This shows it could be just as important as the title itself. The colour scheme that have used is black, yellow and white. The main articles background is white. I feel they have just made it white so that text and image stands out more so it catches the audience attention more. The second article about her hairs background is black but still uses the yellow box and black writing inside. They have done this because they audience then know it is about something else but it is about the same person. I feel this makes the page more interesting as it also has hair tips for girls and as Rihanna is a massive fashion icon they know people will read it and will want to buy it. Also this makes the magazine stand out from other competition on the market. Having the model in the middle of the page with two article either side containting information about that model is less conventional and gives a more edgy, creative feel to the page. This I think makes the audiences eye be drawn to the page and the magazine as a whole. I would like to interpret this into my magazine if it goes successfully.

Sunday 21 October 2012

Music Magazine Contents Page Analysis - Go Animate Response

AS music magazine contents analysis. by laurenmabs on GoAnimate

Video Maker

Music Magazine Contents Page Analysis Image

VIBE Music Magazine Front Cover Analysis

The cover's target audience is clear through the model; this being a current rapper/singer famous with the younger generation of people. Therefore the target audience could be seen as being teenagers between the age of 16-20. The medium shot of Nicki Minaj is a dominant one. Her positioning is seen as a very powerful one this could also link with her outfit and the fact that she is wearing a crown. The model credit in the left third of the magazine shows the reader the name of the model and a story line underneath this. Using the words 'Notorious K.I.N.G.' there is immediately a link to royalty which is what Nicki is representing in this image by wearing a crown. If the potential buyers are familiar with the current music on the pop genre then they will know the connection between the cover line and the model. This being a representation of another female rapper; Lil Kim, that Nicki Minaj is trying to make a 'dig' at in a way. This rivalry is a big story which is why Nicki is most probably front page to intrigue people to buy the magazine to see her side of the situation rather than Lil Kim's. Nicki Minaj is a very famous star worldwide and is known for her choice in brightly coloured wigs. Vibe has took this advantage and used it to create a quirky consistency in colour throughout the magazine. Nicki's hair in this image is orange,  Vibe have created a clear connection between hair colour, title and the main stories of that particular month. This is a great way to catch the audiences attention. 
The masthead of the magazine is behind the models head, this is also a representation of power and strength but also a common convention of VIBE magazine. This being in a bold yet simple text stands out to the audience more. 
Having the barcode and splash on the left third is good for when the magazines are stacked on a shelf. These are the things aswell as the cover lines that will be seen and attract the public to buy the magazine. Another common convention of VIBE are the splash's they use such as a + instead of writing plus like other magazines do. This using the colour scheme makes the magazine more eye catching and fun. The colour orange with connection to the image of Nicki Minaj connotes the emotion in the story and the model. Orange that connotes being fiesty, ferocious, and warmth all indicate the expression on the models face. using the models eyeline position to be looking directly at the reader creates that fiesty connection that draws the public in. The font in the cover has continuity throughout apart from the one story line of the model. This is again relating to the model as it's the same font Nicki Minaj uses as her album cover font and cover exclusives. 

Thursday 18 October 2012

Music Magazine Brief

The main task is to produce a front cover, contents page and a double page spread of a new music magazine. All images and content used must be original, produced by the candidate. The magazine must have a minimum of at least four images.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Final College Magazine Cover Page and Evaluation


For this part of my media A level course I was instructed to create a college magazine, which would help me get the right structure and features the examiners want to see in my music magazine.
Through making my college magazine cover I have used many aspects of creating college magazines in general. Some of these use common conventions of music and college magazines such as how to set out the alignment of the cover; placing the sell lines within the first third of the cover, placing a promotion on the page, in this case it being a competition to win something, and a teasing content. I have intentionally put the items where they appear on the cover page because it gives them an effect. Personally I think this is apparent with my 'Freshers Halloween Party' advertisement as the colour from the image brings attention to the reader. I have also added a different colour to my teasing content, this being bright green. I did this because it is an added extra to the magazine that gives the audience an impression that they are receiving more for their money, therefore making it a more valuable purchase. Placing the barcode in the bottom right corner next to the 'PLUS!' section brings the attention to the reader that is isn't a free magazine which then will draw the readers eyes to the price line and date line.
The social group my college magazine is aimed particularly at student aged 16-19; however it’s also aimed at those who are contemplating going to college or not.  My target audience for this project is quite narrow because a college magazine only appeals to those in education or those who are going to be. Using this information I aim to achieve I added the UCAS sell line as it then intrigues the people who are contemplating going to college and are interested in applying. I believe that my college magazine represents and appeals to my target audience successfully. I took the alliteration of 'Wyke Wonders' as a inspirational catch line to my target audience. The wonders of a new school lifestyle, that move from school to college and the wonders it brings, as well as the wonders of being independent in a working/learning area for the first time, all bring a that sense of question. My magazine is trying to not only persuade but to help pre-college students to wonder about their options, consider their options and make the right choice. As for current students this can be a sense of wondering what the next steps are, another learning year in Wyke or steps to a further education else where, therefore this applies to both types of target audience.To sell my issues to the target audience (Students) I included features that I knew teenagers would be interested in. For example I have promoted a Halloween party event on my contents page. I know that that teenagers would be interested because being a student myself we are always looking for an excuse to party.  Aswell as that I have introduced the 'WIN' promotion that will hopefully be an instant eye catcher to the teen, younger generation as I have applied the chance to win an ipad. A new piece of technology that most young people can relate to. Even if this feature is the only thing the audience interested in they will still probably buy a copy just to have a chance at winning this special prize. To sell my issues I made sure that my magazine cover looked as professional as possible because the cover is the key to selling issues. Through my research I noticed every professional had a house style, so in the style of professional magazines I created a house style which consisted of Purple, Black and White. I made sure to keep the use of these colours consistent as much as possible; for example I used these colours within my models costume aswell to try complete a consistent colour scheme throughout the cover page and contents page. Through my product creation I have learnt that it’s all about trial and error. Although media students may have a set design in mind, you seem to be constantly changing aspects to create a more appropriate product. Through my research I have learned to never be attached to one certain feature because once you have created all the features it could be apparent that, that particular one doesn't work so well.. To create both my cover and contents page I used a program called Photoshop CS5. This programme creates layers which you can work upon individually or as a group. This essentially makes a great final product if things are put in place correctly. Before taking AS media I was unfamiliar with alot of techniques within Photoshop however I have gained alot of knowledge. Consequently this could lead to my media pieces becoming better as I gain even more knowledge on Photoshop and Editing. My magazine connotes a happy, outgoing, peaceful college. This can be shown within my MCU, and my model; such as the facial expression my model has is smiling to a great extent whilst holding college books. I intentionally planned for my model to be doing this so it could connote to my audience Wyke is a great place to attend and if they study there, they will have a good, enjoyable education. I have placed my model in the Wyke College site whilst it was fairly quite to represent the idea that Wyke is a very independent place to work, learn and meet new people. It's calm and there is nobody pressuring you to join but is very welcoming and inviting to accept new students. I chose the colours Purple, White and Black for my colour scheme and house style as these colours can relate to both male and female. This is a great feature to have as if they are positioned in the right placed they stand out well, as well as attracting both sex's in my target audience. In conclusion I think when taking into account all my meanings of why and how I produced my work, the product is successful, meaningful and works well to relate to the students. However in time of working more on media products I hope to improve on tasks such as this set never the less I am happy with what I have produced so far.

College Magazine Photoshop CS5 Cover Page Mock Up 4 with images

College Magazine Cover Page Photoshop CS5 Mock Up 3 with images.

Final College Magazine Ideas

Friday 12 October 2012

College Magazine Cover and Contents Page Mock up 2 and Analysis

This is my mock up drawing of my college magazine front cover and contents page. I have laid the front cover page out like so because it has a clear indication of the type of student Wyke has. My final images will show the model smiling therefore the students are happy at the college. The name in big bold text says 'Wyke Wonders' this drawing the reader into 'wonder'ing what is inside the magazine. I chose this alliteration as it connotes what the reader is thinking about and intrigues the audience into reading the magazine. The fact the date and issue number is underneath this shows that it's still visible to the reader and clear that it isn't a free issue. I placed this at the top so that if magazines are staked this would still be shown. I have put the top story title in bold and bigger font than the rest as a type of teasing content to draw the audience in. I am intending to place a competition on the front page, this could potentially bring readers in and give the audience something to participate in. I am going to produce the sell lines in a larger bolder font to intrigue the target audience to open the magazine, read further and hopefully buy the magazine. The bar code on the front of the magazine is a clear indication that the magazine isn't free therefore they will be drawn to the price, date and issue at the top of the page. I am going to place the model in  the middle and right thirds of the page in order to place my texts on the first third of the front cover. The colour scheme has not being chosen yet however I will co-ordinate this with the image.
          Within my designed contents page I have produced a top corner text box for the date and title of 'Content' in order to remind the audience when the issue was made and exactly what they are looking at. 'Where's Your Ambition?' is the tagline I created for the magazine. This links with the magazine name because the reader will be 'wonder'ing about this. Aswell as that link it will make the audience think about their ambitions of college, of a career, of the future. This is also a catchy convention that many magazines have. I have placed two small images at the top of the page to keep the audience engaged in the content of the magazine. In the center/right third of the page I have positioned a large image this for the main cover story, and main story featured on the contents page, this not only keeps continuity but keeps the students/readers with the latest up to date news. Like the front cover I have placed the story titles in bolder, larger fonts than the information about the titles. Aswell as that I have placed what is a common convention of magazine contents page's into my own, doing this by putting the page numbers next to the title and images to clearly mark where in the magazine the reader will find this information. To make my page a little different to others I have inserted a small text box in the bottom left third of the contents page to place a note from the editor, being myself and to add a small image of me to connote a connection between the reader and the editor. This makes the reader feel it's more personal towards them. Consequently I am going to add in many features and common conventions of college magazines however try make them individual and quirky to bring my target audience of 16-20 year olds into buying the magazine.

College Magazine Contents Page Photoshop CS5 Mock Up 1

Within this contents page mock up I have placed the main title right at the top so the readers eyes are first drawn to this. The date and issue number have been re introduced here to keep continuity throughout the magazine. Within the real magazine cover and contents I will also keep the font and size the same to continue continuity between these. I have also introduced another convention from music and college magazines that is the page numbers being placed in a small box within the titles and images to signify which page the information is on. This is great for giving the reader clear instructions on where things are. I have placed images within this contents page to give you an indication of the size I am going to use in my final magazine contents page. I have used the top right of the page as the smaller stories area of the page and the bottom left being for the top/big stories inside the magazine. For the boxes in the bottom right corner I am going to publish an advertisement to intrigue the reader into buying a years subscription of the magazine as well as possibly a competition for the audience to participate in. This could also potentially bring more readers in.

Thursday 11 October 2012

College Magazine Cover Page Photoshop CS5 Mock Up 1

I have designed this cover page on Photoshop CS5 in order to give a more realistic approach of what my final cover page will look like. I have designed the page around my center attraction, my model. I have placed my model in the position I have because they will be connoting the fact they study hard by holding folders. With the model smiling this can also connote to the audience and readers that Wyke College is a comfortable, happy, outgoing yet relaxed place to be. I have placed the model towards the right of the page because the sell lines/cover lines can be placed in the left third of the magazine cover. This essentially is for when the magazine is stacked on a shelf, therefore the sell lines are still visible. The barcode placed on the front of the page is a clear indication that the magazine isn't free which will then draw their attention to the price, date and issue number placed on the top. I have placed a row at the bottom of the magazine to put the teasing content within. This will therefore draw the reader into more content inside the magazine.

College Magazine Cover Images

A fellow student and friend studying at Wyke College kindly let me take my front cover images of her. As you can see within the image Emily has been positioned in several ways yet all featuring a medium close up.
      I chose three locations within the campus to try out these images; the stairs in OAK Building to try connote that you will be on top of your game and achieve high if you study at Wyke. Another location is next to the lockers at Wyke due to showing the audience of the magazine that there are advantages of studying at Wyke, lockers being one of them. Not only that but because lockers are usually situated in a studying/working environment, this connoting to the readers that Wyke is fun but 100% study aswell. The last location I placed Emily in is outside all buildings. I personally think this is a good image because it shows the class, the beauty and the tranquility of Wyke. For example if you were in a primary or secondary school there could be many young children around but within Wyke this image shows it is a very peaceful, independent learning.

      Emily is smiling in all images because within my images I wanted to connote the fact that students are happy learning in Wyke, it is a cheerful place and people will be confident working there. I am very passionate about connoting this because I enjoy the college therefore I want my readers to enjoy the college.

Media College Magazine Moodboard

This moodboard has essentially been made by myself on Photoshop CS5 to give me inspiration for my final piece. 

Sunday 7 October 2012

College Magazine Name Ideas

I produced this name idea spider diagram to portray my ideas of college magazine titles. I came up with the titles in order to try think of a catchy magazine name or one with an alliteration. Because of this I prefer 'Wyke Weekly' out of all the ones I have thought of due to the fact it does have a catchy alliteration and it isn't too long.

Friday 5 October 2012

Analysis of College Magazine Cover 2

Honor Student Magazine Apr/May 2011
The mast head is featured in the top third of the magazine. The mast head being red is a strong connection to the reader and suggests the passion and love that the students have for their college. This consists of a title in a 'Frank Ruehl' or 'Georgia' type style. This title 'HONOU STUDENT' effectively is split into two seperate words and filled differently. The first half being less bold yet having thin white lines to give it more of a porfessional look and a fully filled white font. This is eyecatching to the audience because it's not a typical convention of magazines in general yet it draws the reader into the creative style the magzine portrays. Within the mast head, underneath the title the magazine have created a thin white strip on the red background to insert the date line and connections such as the college website and motto, also key conventions of magazine layouts. The main image placed on the cover is of a young female in her teens, this is a main feature due to the fact that the student is presenting the target audience clearly. By the look of the girl in the image the target audience would be 16/17 to 20 years, a teenage college magazine. Withing the image of the teenage girl she has a notepad on her lap and is holding a pen. This connotes that the girl is happy and shows the students at the college as studous and happy people which is a very positive thing. The strong eye contact with the model and the audience is an attempt to connect with the audience and intice them into buying the product. The background behind the student is blurred which allows the audience to focus on the text and images which makes them more prominent. The choice of colour is very wide, with six different colours I find the variety too much to concentrate on. There seems to be at least four different fonts on the cover page also which to my knowledge most probably wont be consistent through to the contents page as there is too many to continue. Never the less this could be an appeal to gain the reader creative, attentive imagination. This then could connote all the different types of people and personalities within one college. Aswell as this it could be like a signal to all the people who get attracted to a certain colour. The writing on each point is in a different colour every time to differentiate it from the title helping it dominate. The title also connotes to the reader that if they study at that one particular college they will be an 'HONOR STUDENT' themselves and this may appeal to many teenagers with high expectations.

Analysis of College Magazine Cover 1

College Max Edition 2009
The main image fills the front page and also represents the college and students that go there. The model within the image is a young female, presenting the idea that the target audience is within the range 16-20 years. The subject highlighted in the image is looking happy which connotes enthusiasm of progression into further education. The clear eye contactThe mid shot of the model contradicts the task of the particular brief given to me, this is because within my brief I am asked to produce a medium close up of the subject. The mid shot of the model shows us the costume and position of the model; the relaxed position connotes the fact she is in a relaxed enviroment. College is hard work however it is somewhere to relax and enjoy yourself aswell. The costume of the model is fairly bright; a red tshirt with white features and blue denim shorts, this could of been purposely planned so that that model draws the audiences attention straight to her. The text uses anchorage by featuring a college student to make it relevant to the purpose of the magazine and its target audience. The use of conventional features is clear as the magazine use a large bold font for the title and smaller bold font for the cover lines of the article.  The magazine have indened to use a bold title saying 'College' however written in red writing to connect with the model keeping the consistency throughout the magazine. The colour red within this cover is suggesting not only the love of the college but that the model is passionate about the college she attends. Red in itself is a passionate colour. This could be attempting to persuade the audience of teenagers to be passionate about college aswell, their college. The complimentary colours of green and blue are also interpreted into the cover. With the out of focus background of the model placed in what looks to be a park or forest area the green really shows however in my personal opinion the text is made less prominant due to the background colours. With the subtitles being placed in blue, it makes it easier for the magazine to grab the readers attention of the storylines. The same font is used on the front cover line for each element and the colours red and white are not associated with either females or males, this helps include the range of the target audience even though the model is a female. This could be different if the model was wearing a pink top for example. The price and barcode on the bottom right hand corner of the magazine shows it does have a fee however it stands out to the audience to initiate this to the target audience. The dateline under the title shows the audience it is an up to date issue never the less I think for my magazine I shall make this bigger to try catch the readers eye more effectively.

Location of College Magazine

I have chosen to take the images of my magazine within the Wyke College Campus. With attending this college I think it will make it easier to find an appropriate location for my images. I am going to place my model in Oak builing. Inside this building there is the library, the lockers and canteen, common conventions of a college. If I interpret these into the magazine it gives a pure sense of college life rather than placing a celebrity on the front cover and naming it college. It just wouldn't be the same. I came to the conclusion of placing my model within the Wyke campus due to the fact I am familiar with this location, it has great conventions and will connect to the target audience.

Thursday 4 October 2012

Magazine Cover Terminology

Masthead title piece   The magazine's title. Usually displayed in the top left corner.

Price                          Magazine cost.

Date                         Weekly:usually from Saturday to Friday. Monthly: a month ahead.

Issue Number            A tally of magazines.

Barcode                    Read electronically and decoded into usable information.

Teaser                       One word/phrase acts as an attention grabber.

Headline  A phrase that may summarise the main point on the main feature. In large print, different style, bold colours in order to catch the attention of the reader.

Subtitle                      Smaller headline that may summarise the feature. 

Smaller Feature         Features included in the magazine.

Images Size               CU to med CU. Ranges from the main image to x amount featuring one main image and smaller images. Helps make the page look more interesting. It can add understanding of a story and/or entice someone to read the magazine.

Font                        Style and size of a type face.

Colour                     Specific/stylistic/thematic types.

Graphics                  Graphical shapes to highlight feature(s)

Offers/adverts blurb Banner     Style shape featuring free products/promotions.  

Sell Lines              Small text that sells the title.

Left Third              The left side of the magazine that holds  headlines.

Splash                    Graphics that resemble words.

Credit                   Credit given to the people that have worked on the magazine ( such as the photographer )

Kicker                  This Leads you in to the teller by using catchy words.

Teller                     A short box of information about the subject.

Skyline                  Headline above master headline.

Flash                     Graphics that resemble words.

Graphology           The art of using graphics.

Anchorage             Putting captions on photos to explain the image.

Colour Scheme       Colours presented in the magazine.

Vocabulary             Information relevant to the magazine.

Screamers              Using things such as '!' to create emphasis.

Images                    Photos taken that are inserted into the magazine.

Analysis of the Brief - LIIAR

The front cover of my magazine must have a masthead this will ahve to stand out to the target audience in several ways such as the background, font and colour. The main image I am going to take will fill the page and must be a medium close up of my model. This includes the head and shoulders of the subject. The subject in this image must relate to the main feature in the magazine they also need to be making clear eye contact with the audience of the magazine. The colour scheme and house-style I choose for the front cover will be consistent throughout the magazine. I am going to use up to three colours for this consistent style. I must be promoting other magazine artices or features within this cover page therefore I will make these thumbnail images. The magazine, if being sold needs to clearly have a price and barcode on the front of it. If there is a free gift or the chance to win a competition, then this should also be displayed because this could appeal to the audience and make the magazine stand out from others. Aswell as competitions along the bottom of the magazine I will using tease contents to intice the audience into reading the magazine.

I am producing the magazine for Wyke College.This magazine should show that the college is a happy place to be, this can be shown by the facial expression on my model, aswell as having the college in the background. My personal target audience for the magazine will be 16-20 year olds. Hopefully this will cover all the students age groups and the target audience will be eager to read the magazine. I am going to present the student/s in the images of the magazine in a positive way and that Wyke College is generally a friendly place to study. I want to show to my target audience that Wyke is a fun place to study but still have it's seriousness of working hard in the proccess. Work hard, play hard.

Camera Shots and Descriptions

I saved these images and have added annotations to this JPEG of camera shots to remind myself exactly what each shot is as I will need this for my media AS and A2.

Contents Page Analysis