Wednesday 21 November 2012

Initial Ideas and Research Conclusion

Things I want to include on my front cover

  • Dateline, issue number, price
  • Barcode
  • Medium Close up for my cover image/ medium shot (undecided)
  • A splash
  • A teller to show who the model is and why she is on the cover
  • A teaser to encourage the audience to read further
  • Skyline above the model and header
  • An advertisement/pull to win 2 festival tickets 
  • Cover lines 
Things I want to include on my contents page

  • Content title
  • Dateline
  • A main headline with an image
  • A teller
  • Content list 
  • Page numbers
  • Other images associated with the content
  • Features
  • 'On the Cover' 
  • Subscription box advert
  • A box from the editior with an image
Things I want to include on my DPS

  • A main image
  • A nametag of the magazine
  • A columned interview on the popstar
  • More stories on following pages (maybe)
  • A splash
  • Band information in a tagged box
  • Editors image
  • Editors Views

I am going to price my Magazine at £2.00
This is going to be a monthly magazine aimed towards college and university students age 16-20.
The magazine's aim is to be able to provide the information available for a small fee so that they will be able to afford it. Whilst collecting research and surveys throughout the course of the project, I have learned that unless somebody is very passionate about the magazine subject they are not willing to spend that much money on one. This is because students have other priorities and little money to spend on things. Magazines are seen as privileges.  
Through store research I have found Tesco is the 'biggest supermarket chain'. This is then followed by ASDA. I therefore after looking over all the store research and completing tabled information that I would provide my magazine to be sold in Tesco. This is then efficient for people not only in big cities but in small towns and villages also across the UK which has tesco extra aswell. 

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