Monday 28 January 2013

Feedback on DPS Practise 1

The colour spotting of the image makes it n effective picture as well as the strong bold text. The texts compliments the image well as it is a strong piece. I like the fact the title has America within it as this is a compliment to her American flag top she is wearing making a clear connection between the story and the image. I also like the fact the image works all across the page, never the less her arm is slightly over the fold and this could of being better without that. I think the apostrophe and the smiley face are unnecessary because they are not doing anything for the story so they should be taken out, other than that I am impressed and it works well. It would be even better by tweaking those little things. 

DPS Mock Up 1 (Practise)

Saturday 26 January 2013

Contents Page Original Mock Up 1

I did this one first to simply get a taste of contents pages however it has alot missing.

Friday 25 January 2013

Contents Digital Mock Up 3

Within this contents page I took a less conventional approach and used a notebook style. This was initially to attract the eye to the page straight away. Having a strong contents page will prepare the audience for a good magazine throughout. I chose a cork background because its like a notebook style, its sketchy yet fun which is what my music magazine would be if I published it. The banner of images at the bottom of the page is unconventional yet I enjoyed putting this together because the images are controversial to the front cover image. This is because the front image is quite serious, a model-esk image. This strip of images shows a more fun, creative side of Lil'Red herself. This makes the audience want to read more about her DPS.

Contents Digital Mock Up 2

Contents Digital Mock Up 1

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Own Feedback

With the information my peer feedback has given me I am impressed with what they have said. The effort I put into my courseowkr is huge and it is great that peoploe recognise that. I have taken the information into consideration on how to improve my cover and will put that into place.

Things I can do to improve;
  • Make the v fest poster bigger
  • Take the prices and page numbers off (unconventional)
  • Create a more detailed banner
  • Remove the border from around the barcode
  • Maybe add one or two coverlines to the right hand side

Monday 7 January 2013

Peer Assessment

Rachel Bower

I love your blog and the effort you have put into your research of your music genre is really good. I like all the ideas you have put onto your blog that we wasnt asked to put on to our blogs.

Your front cover is really good I like the fact we instantly know who the cover story is about and I like the fact the sell lines are busy and make you want to read. Your headline is really good and doesnt nbeed to be changed as it stands out to the reader and I love the effedt of it.

There isnt much you can improve because I really like your front cover but you could play around with the effects on your image and maybe the effects on your font to make them mo0re blod and stand out but overall it is a really good front cover. :)

Peer Feedback:

Name Of Person Giving Feedback: Jodie Winter-Brook

Overall Assessment of Blog: This is the best blog I have looked at!! Your research and planning is very good and there are alot of posts which makes it easy to see you have put alot of thought into how you want your magazine cover to look. Your original images are really good!!!

Strengths of Front Cover: Your front cover just works with your chosen genre. The coverlines, image, masthead, barcode blah blah blah... All look amazing! The manipulation of your masthead shows how much thought and effort you have put into making your whole front cover.

Areas For Development For Front Cover: You could add more text to the right and side of your front cover so the whole cover looks balanced.

Peer assessment

Name of person giving feedback: Kristina Lamb

The blog is really good. Youve included some really good posts and put as much detail on your blog as possible! You've definitely thought about every aspect of your magazine.
Strengths of front cover:
-All the colours on the cover match, your colour scheme really ties in with the genre as well.
- You've included a lot of good conventioal features which makes your magzine look really proffesional.
-You havent really included much about your main article feature, it may be a good idea to maybe right a sentence more about the article.
- The border round the barcode looks a bit out of place.

Overall assessment of blog:) :)

Emily Merrifield
Amazing blog, very structured and organised, the extra information and the effort put in to it is really good!
Front cover is well set out and the teasers/ headlines are clear and eye catching. The cover as a whole looks very professional. The colour scheme is consistant
The date and price are as large as some of the cover lines which makes you drawn to that and not the main features. You could make the image of the festival line up bigger because it's hard to read/ difficult the recognise. Another story on the right hand side because it's quite empty.
P.S Overall it's a fantastic blog and im sorry for the all the criticism x