Wednesday 19 December 2012

Music Magazine Cover Draft 4

I changed several things from the last draft to this one. A main change is the bold heavy title, this will hopefully bring more interest in the magazine due to the eye catching title. I made a connective link between the title colours and the artist. This is because The artist name is Lil'Red therefore for this particular issue I made the title relate in colours. Not only that but I made the background of my model more peach coloured on the text side. This was in order to give more of a coloured feel rather than just white like other magazine cover images. 
   In my opinion I could change the bottom banner due to the fact it is eye catching yet not conventional. I could put the title inside another strip at the bottom and this could help make the magazine look more conventional.

Music Magazine Cover Draft 3

Music Magazine Cover Draft 3 PREP

These are the stages I took whilst making my draft number 3 to give examples of what I did and when. Unfortunately this hasn't put them in order however you can tell from the more that has being added everytime. This works well this magazine in my opinion however I need a stronger title which is what I can improve on, on the next draft.

Music Magazine Cover Draft 2

Music Magazine Cover Draft 1

My Cover Image Edits

I like these images because they all have strong eye contact with the audience to draw the reader in. The mise en scene (costume and makeup) all work well together and make a big impact on the image.
Image number 4 that I originally took for a cover didn't have enough room in the frame for the masthead therefore, as you can see I made it into a DPS for my magazine. Images one and two also don't have alot of space on the left third of the composition to place the cover lines therefore I chose the last image to use as my Cover image. 

Cover Photoshoot Images and Comments

Focus Group - Music Magazines

Thursday 13 December 2012

Font Designs For Cover

I collected several different fonts that could represent the title masthead on my magazine cover. The fonts have all different styles in just like my genre. Not only calm and funky but very bold and street like, these contrast well but both could work for my cover. 

Friday 7 December 2012


My genre is well known for talented dj's and youtube users creating mashup's of all the songs in the charts at that particular time. This video shows just how much work goes into these videos as its not just the sound but the video's aswell. The users that do this get alot of credit for their talent and always receive alot of views. This shows just how compatible songs in my genre can be. Upbeat or slow they can connect some way or another, whether it be the key or the backing track it is always successful if you know exactly what you're doing.

Monday 3 December 2012

Cover Convention Comparisons

The three images are cover pages all from different magazines, however they all carry similar music magazine conventions. The first that I noticed was the fact that all the masthead titles were placed behind the models head. This is common for music magazines and a convention I am thinking of using on my magazine. The first two magazines both have the act on their cover photo's headline across the front of the image however the third image has the act headline in the first third of the magazine. All three covers have coverlines in the first third of the page, yet one and three do have small coverlines/teasers in the last third, these are an example of other common conventions of magazines yet they are not always used. The billboard and source magazines both have a barcode in the same place in the first third of the magazine, never the less the essence magazine doesnt. This is possibly to show it is free as a barcode clearly shows the audience they would have to pay for something. Other things are featured individualy such as QR codes and splashes.

These three contents pages are very different. They all include images and columns of text for the page content and information however in very different ways. A nice feature that billboard include is the chart column, this shows the readers exactly where songs and albums are in the charts at this moment. This would appeal to readers within my genre i have chosen because the genre is based solely around the charts. Aswell as that they have an online and events column which has information on gig and tours and the headlines that are online to do with that genre. Kerrang is the next magazine and just as Billboard do, they have the title 'Contents' in large writing to show the reader what they are reading. Kerrang has several images, slightly more than billboard. They also feature a contents list but the images also feature information on the image and what page that particular story is on. Spin magazine has a very different layout. The contents page has a full image on the page with the writing onto of it within the left third. This consists of a few main titles with numbers for the pages and then a paragraph about the story. The three magazines together all hold one thing in common and that is the use of page numbers. None of the magazines put page near the numbers but just highlight them or write them in bold. This is a common convention of music magazines.

Sunday 2 December 2012

An Existing Reader Profile

Here we can find exactly what the readers think about the magazine. It shows in this profile the percentage of readers that are female, male, students etc. This is useful information because the magazine can take these stats into consideration and base the magazine around them in order to encourage more readers to buy the magazine. 

Thursday 29 November 2012

My behind the scenes shoot Video!!

Behind the Scenes

After looking at behind the scenes videos of music videos I chose what I wanted to do in my shoot. Although I dont really like vocals in the behind the scenes I decided to putting a backing track onto my shoots video. I have my model 'Lil Red' the singer dressed up to match her stage name. Will show me putting on her makeup and adjusting her outfits then the taking of the shoot from different views. This will show my close ups, medium close ups, and long shots aswell as the whole shoot in progress. I would like my video to be around two minutes long and just be a quirky way of showing my shoot and the studio. I like One Directions behind the scenes video the most because they produced exactly what I want to.. a video to show the fun side of photoshoots aswell as my serious outcomes :) Their video :

Monday 26 November 2012

Mise en scene Ideas and Write up

The choice of mise-en-scene within an image adds to the effect and helps portray exactly what image the model wants it to. This can be through props, the setting and the hair and makeup collaborated with costume. Often music composers are found having images taken with their instruments and/or the equipment they use to create their music. As well as this they use things in the image such as props which relate to their particular song or album they have produced. This can be seen in the example of Katy Perry's 'California Girls' video as she connects the lyrics to the costume and wigs. Celebrities use the props and mise en scene within an image or album to make it more creative and thoughtful. This then draws the public into reading more about it or buying the produce. 
         Within my music magazine and my images I am going to use a strong scene of costume to portray the image that I want to. My main cover photo in particular to draw the reader in. Using makeup and fake eye lashes will bring the readers attention to point as this will be one of the first things they notice looking at the picture on the front cover. The DPS will be more subtle however and I will use a locational shot. This will be in order to give the reader a more relaxed feel when looking at the setting. The mise en scene is important in order to make sure the reader is enjoying the articles without going over board. The more mise en scene the more busy the page looks distracting the audience from what's important on the page. 

Lighting Ideas and Original Images (slideshow wont show my images)

Music Magazine Mock Up Layout DPS 2

Thursday 22 November 2012

Costume Ideas for cover image

Popstar style icons include artists like Katy Perry, Kesha and Lady gaga. Modelling designers stunning dresses over the years members of the public worldwide are amazed by the wacky ideas that are presented on the catwalk. Through music videos, magazines, award evenings and public events, the stars are always seen and judged on what they wear. This is also something to take into consideration for my cover image and DPS. Choosing a fairly unique look will always bring in the attention you need for a cover to catch your eye on a magazine. 
Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, known by her stage name Lady Gaga, is an American singer, songwriter, actress, record producer, activist. Wikipedia
Stefani has rapidly become a world wide star, known for her outrageous outfits and catchy songs. 'Lady Gaga' first came on the scene with her single just dance from her debut album 'The Fame' in 2008. The uproar from the catchy tune turned the whole world in ore. I want my model to have an eye catching outfit, after taking the image i will decide on font and colour schemes in order to match this with my image. 

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Location Ideas - My original images;

Looking at the images I've taken and been there at the location I have a strong idea of what each of these places are like, this will give me inspiration for where I want to do my photo's if I choose a locational shot. 
  • The first shot was taken in Bridlington, this is the only image I did not take however am featured in this image. Bridlington beach is a beautiful setting and give a great atmospheric feel for bands when they do group shots there. A collaboration of people who are placed in a location like a beach relates to the audience. Beaches are usually enjoyable for everybody so this automatically put the audience into a light mood by taking the photographs here.
  • This next shot was taken at Kings Mill in Driffield. A fairly isolated area however brilliant for dog walkers and duck feeders! Kings Mill is a very large old mill with a river, several bridges and a cornfield at the back. Near by there is also a waterfall which provides a wonderful picture landscape. This image was taken near the conker trees at the end of summer/ early autumn of 2012. 
  • The third image was taken again in Bridlington, yet this time at Danes Dyke. A very popular tourist destination for photographers, dog walkers, climbers, and cliff top views. I placed my model along the beach on a rock near shore. I captured the image by positioning both him and myself so that his body looks like a silhouette. This is an idea I could use for my final piece DPS. The location again shows a beach and beautiful views however a different side to beaches that we see in image 1.
  • The next picture I took was in summer, again in Kings Mill, Driffield. This was in the cornfield that was earlier mentioned. I particularly enjoyed taking this shoot as I collaborated my models colour and complexion aswell as the sun to produce a lovely image. This, throughout the year is a wonderful place to take pictures as in spring summer it is very bright however through autumn/winter the flowers and crops die down and it becomes a great place for saturated image. A very good location for acoustic artists for example and near my home.
  • The following image was an image taken whilst producing my perfume bottle cover. This was an unused image taken at Burton Agnes Hall. A very popular tourist destination. The whole site is wonderful providing The hall itself with amazingly presented gardens and forest aswell as life-size games for children to play with such as checkers and chess. This location is very classical and looks professional in images. With classical singers or 'posh' artists this would make a nice location for images.
  • Last but not least are the three remaining images. These are images that were created also in Danes Dyke taken within a broken down pub/hotel. With a golf course almost metres away the house was very popular. After a fire it left the house with little left but rubble and a few bathtubs. The images taken are within the location and by far some of my favourite images. My models naturally are very 'vintage' like with their clothing and image. I chose them to model at the house because this goes well with the old building. By adding contrast to the final images, the colours instantly then stand out to my eyes and this is the impact I want to make on my audience when they look at my magazine. 

Initial Ideas and Research Conclusion

Things I want to include on my front cover

  • Dateline, issue number, price
  • Barcode
  • Medium Close up for my cover image/ medium shot (undecided)
  • A splash
  • A teller to show who the model is and why she is on the cover
  • A teaser to encourage the audience to read further
  • Skyline above the model and header
  • An advertisement/pull to win 2 festival tickets 
  • Cover lines 
Things I want to include on my contents page

  • Content title
  • Dateline
  • A main headline with an image
  • A teller
  • Content list 
  • Page numbers
  • Other images associated with the content
  • Features
  • 'On the Cover' 
  • Subscription box advert
  • A box from the editior with an image
Things I want to include on my DPS

  • A main image
  • A nametag of the magazine
  • A columned interview on the popstar
  • More stories on following pages (maybe)
  • A splash
  • Band information in a tagged box
  • Editors image
  • Editors Views

I am going to price my Magazine at £2.00
This is going to be a monthly magazine aimed towards college and university students age 16-20.
The magazine's aim is to be able to provide the information available for a small fee so that they will be able to afford it. Whilst collecting research and surveys throughout the course of the project, I have learned that unless somebody is very passionate about the magazine subject they are not willing to spend that much money on one. This is because students have other priorities and little money to spend on things. Magazines are seen as privileges.  
Through store research I have found Tesco is the 'biggest supermarket chain'. This is then followed by ASDA. I therefore after looking over all the store research and completing tabled information that I would provide my magazine to be sold in Tesco. This is then efficient for people not only in big cities but in small towns and villages also across the UK which has tesco extra aswell. 

Music Magazine Mock Up Layout DPS improvements

Music Magazine Mock Up Layout DPS 1

Music Magazine Mock up Layout Contents page 1

Music Magazine Mock Layout Cover page 3

Music Magazine Mock Layout Cover Page 2

Friday 16 November 2012

Advertisements/ Pulls

Within my magazine cover I am going to feature an advertisement, this being a chance of winning two tickets to a festival. The festival I have chosen to advertise is V Festival. This is because V Festival is known for it's Pop Chart genre. All sorts of top 40 artists have been known to play at the festival and the lineup of 2012 can show this. The tickets are worth around £200 each and this will entice more people to want to apply for these tickets. V Festival is known for all ages being able to attend however teenagers are the ones who mostly buy the tickets. This being a chance to have fun with friends. Offering two tickets out increases the chance of people wanting to enter because they want to go with their friends not alone. 

Thursday 15 November 2012

November 14th 50 Chart

Throughout this video, there is 27 artists featured in my genre I have chosen and some of these artists are featured more than once. This re establishes why I chose this genre as it is very popular and alot of people want to listen to it. Hence why a lot of the artists are in the charts. The up beat, funky music brings alot of attention to the artists and they do very well in the music industry. I chose to post this as an example of what music is involved in the genre I am looking at and what the members of the public are interested in.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Cover Inspirations

These covers are inspirational to me because they are catch my eye, are very colourful and all include my favourite artists. I was to be able to do this with my audience, attract their eye to the covers straight away in order to encourage them to read the magazine. I like how bright they are and even if the model isnt making eye contact with the audience then it still looks attractive. I posted them on my blog in order to look back at them in the future for more ideas on my cover for my music magazine. This will help me gather ideas that the public will like, this making them buy my magazine.