Wednesday 19 December 2012

Music Magazine Cover Draft 4

I changed several things from the last draft to this one. A main change is the bold heavy title, this will hopefully bring more interest in the magazine due to the eye catching title. I made a connective link between the title colours and the artist. This is because The artist name is Lil'Red therefore for this particular issue I made the title relate in colours. Not only that but I made the background of my model more peach coloured on the text side. This was in order to give more of a coloured feel rather than just white like other magazine cover images. 
   In my opinion I could change the bottom banner due to the fact it is eye catching yet not conventional. I could put the title inside another strip at the bottom and this could help make the magazine look more conventional.

Music Magazine Cover Draft 3

Music Magazine Cover Draft 3 PREP

These are the stages I took whilst making my draft number 3 to give examples of what I did and when. Unfortunately this hasn't put them in order however you can tell from the more that has being added everytime. This works well this magazine in my opinion however I need a stronger title which is what I can improve on, on the next draft.

Music Magazine Cover Draft 2

Music Magazine Cover Draft 1

My Cover Image Edits

I like these images because they all have strong eye contact with the audience to draw the reader in. The mise en scene (costume and makeup) all work well together and make a big impact on the image.
Image number 4 that I originally took for a cover didn't have enough room in the frame for the masthead therefore, as you can see I made it into a DPS for my magazine. Images one and two also don't have alot of space on the left third of the composition to place the cover lines therefore I chose the last image to use as my Cover image. 

Cover Photoshoot Images and Comments

Focus Group - Music Magazines

Thursday 13 December 2012

Font Designs For Cover

I collected several different fonts that could represent the title masthead on my magazine cover. The fonts have all different styles in just like my genre. Not only calm and funky but very bold and street like, these contrast well but both could work for my cover. 

Friday 7 December 2012


My genre is well known for talented dj's and youtube users creating mashup's of all the songs in the charts at that particular time. This video shows just how much work goes into these videos as its not just the sound but the video's aswell. The users that do this get alot of credit for their talent and always receive alot of views. This shows just how compatible songs in my genre can be. Upbeat or slow they can connect some way or another, whether it be the key or the backing track it is always successful if you know exactly what you're doing.

Monday 3 December 2012

Cover Convention Comparisons

The three images are cover pages all from different magazines, however they all carry similar music magazine conventions. The first that I noticed was the fact that all the masthead titles were placed behind the models head. This is common for music magazines and a convention I am thinking of using on my magazine. The first two magazines both have the act on their cover photo's headline across the front of the image however the third image has the act headline in the first third of the magazine. All three covers have coverlines in the first third of the page, yet one and three do have small coverlines/teasers in the last third, these are an example of other common conventions of magazines yet they are not always used. The billboard and source magazines both have a barcode in the same place in the first third of the magazine, never the less the essence magazine doesnt. This is possibly to show it is free as a barcode clearly shows the audience they would have to pay for something. Other things are featured individualy such as QR codes and splashes.

These three contents pages are very different. They all include images and columns of text for the page content and information however in very different ways. A nice feature that billboard include is the chart column, this shows the readers exactly where songs and albums are in the charts at this moment. This would appeal to readers within my genre i have chosen because the genre is based solely around the charts. Aswell as that they have an online and events column which has information on gig and tours and the headlines that are online to do with that genre. Kerrang is the next magazine and just as Billboard do, they have the title 'Contents' in large writing to show the reader what they are reading. Kerrang has several images, slightly more than billboard. They also feature a contents list but the images also feature information on the image and what page that particular story is on. Spin magazine has a very different layout. The contents page has a full image on the page with the writing onto of it within the left third. This consists of a few main titles with numbers for the pages and then a paragraph about the story. The three magazines together all hold one thing in common and that is the use of page numbers. None of the magazines put page near the numbers but just highlight them or write them in bold. This is a common convention of music magazines.

Sunday 2 December 2012

An Existing Reader Profile

Here we can find exactly what the readers think about the magazine. It shows in this profile the percentage of readers that are female, male, students etc. This is useful information because the magazine can take these stats into consideration and base the magazine around them in order to encourage more readers to buy the magazine.